modeling headshots

234Abby Wang WEB e1511302936796Modeling headshots are branding images of a person to show his or her beauty and ability to wear and illustrate fashion.

Modeling headshots differ from actor headshots and corporate headshots.  A corporate headshot usually is a portrait for the website ( about us page ), social media and other marketing materials,  while an actor’s headshot is mainly used for casting agents to chose the designated performer to audition for a role in a production, the models headshot like the actor’s headshot is usually used for casting by displaying images in comp cards or tear sheets as a compilation of images with the model’s vital statistics in the back of the sheet.  The main difference is that the model also needs to illustrate how she can display the commercial needs of the agency ie. clothing or product placement.


Headshots photographer in Toronto

Are you looking for a modeling career and don’t know how to start?  Start by building a comp card with the photographer of your choice, dedicate a day or three of shooting with about five entirely different looks.

My gallery collection includes images of professional model development portraits for their portfolio.  My aim is to achieve a unique headshot that also embodies the same principals in all of my photography, a deeper sense of the person.

Half of a modeling headshots is the makeup artistry make sure to hire a talented, passionate and professional makeup artist.  Showcase another talent, dance if you can dance, show different looks and have fun with you session.

When looking for a photographer make sure you pick a photographer that has experience, is professional, passionate and makes you feel comfortable.  Feeling comfortable is a tough question to ask or find out.  Call the photographer and speak with the person and  ask a few questions, it should help you determine who comfortable you are with that individual.

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Art of Headshots specializes in corporate and professional headshots for websites, social media like LinkedIn, and advertising. We have over 13 years of experience guiding you into authentic and professional portraits.

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