Why do you need a professional headshot?

A professional headshot is a crucial branding tool for anyone and everyone in just about any career or field of interest. They are used on web-pages, on business cards, and for casting films and tv shows, to name but a few ways to use a professional headshot. They go a long way toward making things happen! Here are some important reasons for having a well-captured professional headshot that is engaging, full of heart and uniquely you.

About Us Page

Just about every company with a professional staff will have an “about us” page. This page will have links to their various departments and staff members. Think of it as a company’s personal Yellow Pages. Many firms, understanding the importance of making a good online impression to prospective clients and partners, will shoot all of their headshots at one time, with one photographer. This creates a consistent look and uniformity which comes across as polished and detail-oriented. But beyond this, great headshots will relay information that is felt rather than understood. Successful businesses understand that they are made up of many distinct individuals, not a bunch of robots. Headshots highlight the diversity and personality of each member of their team. 0203Justus PRINT 097Chandra PRINTING 024Mary Lynn Printing

LinkedIn Headshots

When looking for a new place of employment, a headshot is extremely important. Social media websites liked LinkedIn have become the best place to find and exchange information about job recruitment and career opportunities. A LinkedIn profile with a sharp headshot has the chance to open doors that might otherwise be closed to you. At the same time, adding in that casual vacation snapshot instead will send the wrong message to any prospective employer of future co-worker. You only have one chance to make a good first impression. Have I mentioned personal relationships yet? Bars and personal ads in the paper are a thing of the past. This is the age of online dating! If you want to set yourself apart, get a professional headshot. They say a picture says a thousand words. You could put in some random, poorly-lit picture but this is not going to create much interest. Online daters scroll through literally hundreds (thousands?) of profiles at breakneck speed looking for the proverbial “needle in the haystack”. Dating today is a numbers game. How are you going to make an impact without the right image of yourself? An image that shows the real, beautiful you is as important as all of the text you may write to describe yourself. Seeing into a person’s eyes is a powerful attention-grabbing tool, which, when done right, can create an instant connection! Time to mention social media. Facebook just reached two billion monthly users! LikedIn and G+ are consistently growing. Our world is shrinking fast and “six degrees of separation” already seems like a thing from the 1990’s. Three degrees is more like it! Creating new connections and networking around the globe has become much more possible and exciting. A great headshot is often a catalyst toward initiating an online relationship. Each of these relationships helps to create an ever-expanding ring of possibilities. Today’s world is faster, more closely connected and more anonymous than ever before. Work, dating, relationships both professional and personal are much more intertwined and complex than we would have thought possible. It can be quite daunting and you need to find help where you can. Getting a headshot which attractively shows your true self will help you to navigate your way to a better future. Why wait?

Online Dating

Have I mentioned personal relationships yet? Bars and personal ads in the paper are a thing of the past. This is the age of online dating! If you want to set yourself apart, get a professional headshot. They say a picture says a thousand words. You could put in some random, poorly-lit picture but this is not going to create much interest. Online daters scroll through literally hundreds (thousands?) of profiles at breakneck speed looking for the proverbial “needle in the haystack”. Dating today is a numbers game. How are you going to make an impact without the right image of yourself? An image that shows the real, beautiful you is as important as all of the text you may write to describe yourself. Seeing into a person’s eyes is a powerful attention-grabbing tool, which, when done right, can create an instant connection! Headshot of Julianna by Art of Headshots Edmonton Headshot of Alfred by Emily Welz Edmonton

Social Media Profile Photos

Time to mention social media. Facebook just reached two billion monthly users! LikedIn and G+ are consistently growing. Our world is shrinking fast and “six degrees of separation” already seems like a thing from the 1990’s. Three degrees is more like it! Creating new connections and networking around the globe has become much more possible and exciting. A great headshot is often a catalyst toward initiating an online relationship. Each of these relationships helps to create an ever-expanding ring of possibilities. Today’s world is faster, more closely connected and more anonymous than ever before. Work, dating, relationships both professional and personal are much more intertwined and complex than we would have thought possible. It can be quite daunting and you need to find help where you can. Getting a headshot which attractively shows your true self will help you to navigate your way to a better future. Why wait?

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Art of Headshots specializes in corporate and professional headshots for websites, social media like LinkedIn, and advertising. We have over 13 years of experience guiding you into authentic and professional portraits.

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