Our Canadian Veterans to be remembered.
Thank you to the soldiers who came back without a scratch, the wounded, and to the soldiers hurt in ways that can’t be seen and to the ones that didn’t return.
Veterans Portrait Project honours all soldier’s since WWII in Canada with esteemed names such as Major Fairweather who was a WWII hero, our newly elected Minister of Defence Harjit Singh an Afghanistan hero. Some privates were still in their teen years while confronted by the Taliban, other soldiers didn’t see action, but all had one thing in common, the willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice.
The World is not a perfect place, not here or abroad. Our soldiers don’t decide which war or peacekeeping mission to partake… Civilians can complain but soldiers have no choice, we must honour, value and be proud of our Canadian Armed Forces.
On Veterans Day we honour all,
Who answered to a service call.Soldiers young, and soldiers old,
Fought for freedom, brave and bold.Some have lived, while others died,
And all of them deserve our pride,We’re proud of all the soldiers who,
Keep thinking of our maple leaf,
They fought through many days and nights.And though we may not know each name,
by Cheryl Dyson – one variation by Carlos Taylhardat
We thank All veterans just the same.
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