Building a Successful Social Media Campaign

Social Media Campaign

Building a Successful Social Media Campaign

This was an article written in 2014 and revised today, July 30th, 2019. One major change between 2014 and 2019 would be Instagram and Google Plus. Instagram would have been 4 yrs old and not easily recognized while Google Plus was considered to become a contender to Facebook and other Social Media platforms only to have died a year ago.

Are you looking for innovative ideas to help you build a successful social media campaign?  Or an understanding about where and how to build a successful social media marketing campaign?  Some of the following points are standards while other opinions in this article are uniquely my experiences being shared with you the reader.

The easiest and most effective way to a successful social media campaign is by engaging in a passionate purpose such as a protest or a fight for social justice.  Governments have been brought down through the masterminds behind its social media campaign.

Let’s face it, not all business owners have a cause that will insight the same passion as bringing down a corrupt government, earthquake relief or saving the planet.  For us the average small to medium-sized company owners or professionals will have to build our social media campaign a little differently.

Here are seven ideas about building a successful social media campaign and cause;

1. Same Branding Message to all Social Media Giants platforms

Sign up to all the major social media giants such as; Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube, Instagram and Twitter to mention but a few ( more examples are included in the bottom of this article).  For example with my company, I am “Art of headshots” in all of my accounts, same address, same phone number and corporate messaging.

Understand the difference between each social engagement by possible watching a video of how to use each of these platforms such as the video’s provided in this article.

2. Neuroscience for Social Engagement

Consider the Neurosciences for Social Engagement findings ( read my previous article for more information – ), additionally find out what will make your target market want to interact with you?

Your headshot speaks to the subconscious mind of your target audience; other messaging images and video are crucial.  Make sure that they are optimized for Web presence.

3. Optimization of Accounts

Viral videos, funny photo’s, controversial content, innovation are great ways to increase following and being noticed. Be genuine, generous and grateful

5. Have a Cause

What is your branding identity? Your advantage?

I like being a gift to humanity rather than just benefiting myself.  An example in a newsletter subscription, some business owners are constantly sending a call to action letters  -Buy Now-.  The only beneficiary of the letters is the company.  It’s easy to unsubscribe and eventually, a client will forget you or worse formulate a grudge.

Be giving and you shall receive.  Design your marketing material to benefit those that you are sending.  i.e. I sell headshots but write about things that interests other such as this article.

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Art of Headshots specializes in corporate and professional headshots for websites, social media like LinkedIn, and advertising. We have over 13 years of experience guiding you into authentic and professional portraits.

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