Yesterday, an associate invited me to join a discussion in LinkedIn regarding the importance about having a professional headshot image of yourself for business and Social Media needs. I was surprised by the response?
People were writing back and forth about Headshots, it was as if they were all discovering the importance of a professional Headshot, throughout their interaction.
One member promised to get a Headshot by us before the end of this month ( thank you ), & what really surprised me about this LinkedIn conversation is that it was a social media group having this conversation. One would assume that social media guru’s had already figured out that the first point of contact is your Headshot. A portrait image will open doors and build relationships with potential clients 24 hrs a day in the internet and might be selling your service or awarding you a contract or investment to hundreds of people at the same time.
Who can trust a profile with no image or a sloppy non professional Headshots? Headshots book now – if you don’t have a professional image.