- Want to know about head shots?
We are a company called Art of Headshots specializing in modern portraits, for today’s needs. Which is precisely our definition of a head shot or headshots ( word does not exist in a dictionary, but will – soon ).
Long time ago portraits were something that only celebrities and royalty could afford to have. A few years ago the term headshots was a slang for a 8X10 photograph used for actors to audition for various roles. It was an image that clearly showed the actors face so casting directors could have clear idea of who was who…
Please note;
As I was writing this article I realized that wikipedia had an outdated definition for headshot, instead of continuing with my article and blog, I chose instead to change wikipedia’s description for Headshot or head shot ( not a real word as of yet… ). Please check some of our other articles such as – who needs a headshot?, why headshots? Feel free to contact us if you have questions about how to brand your greatest asset, yourself.